Mindful AF

Harry asked me if I was interested in mindfulness and I said sure, so he sent me a bunch of information on mindfulness and I ignored it for a couple of weeks. Nudes I’m sorry, Harry. I can’t promise my full attention but I’m going to try. If I can’t even find the time to figure out what mindfulness is and how to do it, I am not off to a great start. This is me starting.

The first thing he wanted me to do was watch a video… Dr. Dan Siegel’s Hand Model of the Brain.

Why your hand and brain are the same!

Basically, this guy makes his hand into a fist and talks about “flipping your lid” which is another term for having an emotional meltdown. Hey, I know what that is! I’m intrigued, but only slightly, which is why I should totally watch this whole thing again when I am in a better mental state. I do appreciate that this guy gets down to the science. That’s something that Rhonda wasn’t giving me, science. I need science. This guy is kind of mister Rogers-esque, except I would bet that he smokes a little weed.

Written on March 28, 2018