The Worst

The website for BADASS is just that- BADASS! And guess what, I made it. Feels good to have it done. It will actually help some people. ARTICLE I was in an article about Slack and it being used as a means to distribute revenge porn. Have a look!

Seriously, look. Here it is again). Someone wants to know what I have to say about things.

I’m the worst. I feel like Harry is mad at me. Harry is my new therapist and he thinks I should practice mindfulness. I think mindfulness is about taking time to think about stuff. I don’t know. He asked me to read about it and sent me a bunch of info but I can’t even make the time to learn how to be mindful because I’m crazy and obsessive. So I procrastinate that homework just like everything else. I didn’t want to have to actually do stuff to feel better. I’m paying the money, that should be enough.

Actual footage of me meeting Harry, my therapist

REVENGE PORN IS TAKING OVER MY LIFE. WHY! So many boobs. So, so many.

News is spreading in my hometown now and it’s kinda starting to blow up. I’ve been hearing from all kinds of people. One positive is that it’s bonding us ladies (for the most part- there are some that don’t seem to care that they’re on there and it pisses me off).

My days now include cyber-guerilla warfare, red bull, looking at porn (so I can notify victims) and basically doing activisty things. If you told me three months ago that this would be my life now I would’ve slapped you.

Good night.


Shit that bothers me a fuckton

  1. The law still bothers me. I still think it’s weird the only reason my case is being handled as a felony is because he stole the images. If I had sent those to him and he posted them, I would be fucked. Disclosing intimate images is only a misdemeanor so basically all these laws we are creating and fighting so hard for are for nothing if there are going to be no consequences either way. All women should be so lucky as to have a gross stalker. ugh.
  2. It bothers me that I thought I would get some kind of resolution in court on Wednesday, when in reality I am just showing up to court to get an extension. HIS attorney won’t be able to make it so MY attorney said Mr. Fuckface will most likely show up so that we can get an extension.
  3. It bothers me a FUCKton that I will have to see him Wednesday. I don’t want anyone to go with me because that will be awkward. My husband said he would go but I don’t know how that would be. I wish none of us would have to go. I don’t even want to go.
  4. I don’t want to see him.
  5. I don’t want to see him.
  6. I don’t want to see him.
  7. I just want to code and take naps.

Hella fucking grateful for 3 things

  1. My baby
  2. My kitty
  3. My husband thinks he should be number 3.

He actually chose all 3 of these because I’m having a hard time being nice. I let him pick.

Written on March 12, 2018