last milk of February

So long, February.

This is how I feel about you:

Fuck February

I can’t believe I made it all the way to Wednesday without hurting anyone.

Things did not work out with Rhonda and now I’m giving her the silent treatment until I can get a new therapist who isn’t so needy and wrong all the time. I’m coming to you because I’m crazy, not because I need someone to tell me to not worry. If it was that easy I probably wouldn’t need therapy.

Rhonda Sucks

Suck it, Rhonda.

I have spent way too much time fighting internet crime and not enough time tending to normal life things like laundry and payign attention to my family. Also, still not doing much code-wise. That makes me sad. Other than writing these milk journals, I’m not really making anything.

Oh, except this one thing. I did make a website about Princess Margaret the other night. Been on my to-do list awhile now, I just don’t remember why I wanted to do it. Must’ve read about her somewhere.

I have spent wayyy too much time at the courthouse lately. Things are not efficient over there. But my paperwork is in for my protection order and things are moving along.

Probably my most exciting news of the day is that my nudes are not online anymore. I repeat, my boobs have left the internet. I got the pics down… #victory. Will they be back? Who knows. Maybe a week from now, maybe a year from now. This will always hang over my head.

But you know what? NOT MY FAULT.

I’m just glad they were (mostly) really old pics.


Things that bother me:

  • I don’t know when they will serve him.
  • Seriously, will my pics be back online?
  • If I get a new job, will I have to be the girl who’s gone for court all the time? I don’t want to be.
  • Interview Friday. Another one, at the same place as the last time (not the fart time, the time after that). I think I might die.

3 Gratitudes:

  1. I had the best ranch of my life today . Thank you, The Rock.
  2. I’m thankful that mom came over today because my kitchen is way cleaner now.
  3. Girl Power.
Written on February 28, 2018